Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Oxford on Screen 3: the Oxford Murders

This post is about the Oxford Murders, a 2008 thriller based on a book by Guillermo Martínez. It's about a young Mathematics student and a professor who get caught up in a series of murders and must use their skills to try to solve them.

The photo shows Elijah Wood and John Hurt, the two stars of the film, having a somewhat heated discussion on Broad St.


Jack said...

I read the book. Didn't know it had been made into a movie.

Petrea Burchard said...

Even though I haven't seen any of these productions, I'm really enjoying this series!

Ralph said...

I love what you're doing

Amanda said...

Love the photos (they are certainly superior to the film which wasn't great :)!)

Anonymous said...

really enjoyed the film - it was like a 1970s italian giallo transplanted into modern day oxford.