Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prudence in Oxford

It is day two of my quest for the seven virtues in Oxford. Yesterday I was looking for charity and today I'm trying to find prudence. Where better to look for wisdom, insight and knowledge then a city like Oxford? You can almost smell these things when you walk in some parts of the city centre. For example at Parks Road where I took this picture. It shows us some of the world's most eminent scientists, philosophers and engineers. From left to right you can see Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei and (if you take a very close look) Euclid -- all great scientists as well as men of wisdom and practical knowledge. You can find these (and some other) statues in the court at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. It is not only the really big names that have been commemorated with a statue but also several Oxford men of science who have made a significant contribution to the museum. Wouldn't it be great to have your bust among Aristotle, Hippocrates or some of the names mentioned above?

1 comment:

Leeds daily photo said...

I used to love visiting this building when I was a boy, also the Pitt Rivers too. I used to even visit it outside of school trips.